Principal Message

Welcome to St Joseph’s Primary School Rochester.

We are people of Strength – We are people of Gentleness

St Joseph’s is a proud Catholic Community united in faith and committed in action, to live, learn and grow in God’s love. We are a warm, vibrant and supportive school community living in the traditions of St Brigid and St Joseph.I 

In 2023, St Joseph’s Primary School will celebrate 130 years of Catholic Education in Rochester. Just as the past brought its share of difficulties, we continue to experience challenges, but with faith, courage and cooperation we will prevail and carry on the traditions that have been firmly established over the last 130 years.

Our core task is education and we are committed to educating the whole child: spiritually, academically, socially, physically and emotionally, in an authentic Catholic community. We strive for continuous growth with an emphasis on improving learning outcomes using explicit, targeted teaching every day. Our highly qualified and committed teachers work in partnership with you to pursue excellence in learning and to support each child’s needs and strengths.

As partners in your child’s education, we encourage and at times, expect  you to be actively involved in school life. We are a community of learners, and working together, we can effectively make a difference and ensure the best educational outcomes for your child. 

I am honoured to be the Principal of St Joseph’s School and I look forward to sharing a very positive partnership with you as parents and caregivers.  We look forward to a happy and successful educational outcome for your children at St Joseph’s.

Come for a visit and experience St Joseph’s School in action. Feel free to phone to make an appointment or just drop in!

Liz Trewick
